Saturday, July 07, 2018

July 4, 2018 (Wednesday)

I woke up at 3:00 am JST, went to the toilet and took sleeping pill #3. I slept for 7 hours! It was a luxury! It was my first time to sleep that long enough since I came here. Good morning indeed! Today will be a very good day!

I have Edema, my weight for today is 55.25.

Not yet ready to go to the canteen to eat breakfast there. Because I don’t know my stomach and back is still aching.
Breakfast: 100g rice, sautéed cabbage, carrots and minced pork, nori, canned peaches, and tea. I ate it all while having rested in between while eating.  Today is Wednesday so another added medicine for the protection of the bones, 3 capsules of Cellcept, Furosemide 20mg, and cholesterol and antibacterial medicine.

I still manage to take my bath at 9:00 am JST. I want to take away the smell of the Blood Dialysis (血漿交換, けっしょうこうかん). Do you know how it smells? It smells like the oil of a black turtle, 10x more than that.  Nagatsuji Sensei cleaned my neck for me. Shots of Prednisone Pulse 40mg  and medicine for the intestines. It seems like the kickback is always getting me. Sometimes my muscles are beating wildly on its own.

Today is the schedule of my bone density test and MRI. I am taking so many steroids, that my doctors are concerned about its side effects. These days I am getting forgetful, it seems that there is something wrong with my head hahaha! It's like it's not me.

Today’s lunch is 100g of rice, Chinese cabbage soup, sauteed tofu and egg, radish and cucumber salad and tea. But I still managed to eat 80% of the sauteed tofu and egg, it was a little too salty for me.

From my last post, I said that I wanted to apply for a personal mobile number but I didn’t succeed. Now I found a way how to apply, I bought this! This is an entry package. It has a code in there so that you can apply swiftly (like the web chat agent said). So I tried, but still can’t succeed!! Huhuhu! Even though it will cost me, the last resort is to set an appointment for someone from the store to come here in the hospital and facilitate my application. But when I called the request hotline, they don’t facilitate in the hospitals (due to health welfare of the employees). Still, did not succeed!!!!

2:00 pm JST rounds for Prednisone Pulse 20mg  and Furosemide 20mg. My sugar count is ok so I can eat chocolates!

The result of my bone density test and MRI is already out. My bones are still bones! And my brain is still here! Ahahah! The bone density is a little higher than the average group but still ok, and there was no CNS lupus detected yet, so maybe the clouding is just side effect of the medicines right now. This is a great news! Thank God!

Dinner time! First time to eat beef meat since I got here! So lucky because there will be no breakfast tomorrow. 100g rice, Hayashi rice, cucumber and tuna salad, 2 slices of kiwi, orange flavored jelly and tea. I have learned that Nagatsuji Sensei is the one that decides what I will be having for dinner. I am so happy that he is very considerate to give me this very luxurious meal before I will go fasting! He is so kind. I have to thank him tomorrow.  As the usual medicine, 3 capsules of Cellcept and so the additional Slow-k for potassium.

But still, it was not enough so my preparation for tomorrow’s Blood Dialysis (血漿交換, けっしょうこうかん) will be this! I ate ham, cheese and egg sandwich, and tea! The chocolate I will eat it during tomorrow’s session.

I prayed in silence for tomorrow to be fine and said my thanks.

I took sleeping pills 1 & 2 at around 11:45 pm JST. I hope I can sleep tight tonight. Good night.

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