Sunday, August 12, 2018

August 10, 2018 (Friday)

A very good morning!😇 I woke up very early, 4:18 am JST, but it is already bright outside.

Still, my weight is still up by 2 kilos, meaning I am still having edema and still having high blood pressure, 142/92. I had my blood and urine sent for laboratory test.😣

After that, I had this milky coffee for breakfast, of course with permission to drink. (As promised) the breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, miso soup, cabbage soup, banana, yogurt, and tea. I just drank the soups, some of the porridge and took the banana and yogurt for later. I took my new dosage of medicine:  😞from 2 capsules to 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, and Ririka and the additional for Friday, the additional medicine for anti-infection.

After I took my bath, Nagatsuji Sensei came in handling me the results of the laboratory tests. He said that the potassium level is high so I have to avoid fruits especially banana. Hemoglobin level is low so if my score will be lower than 6, we will have to consider a blood transfusion. He also said that from today the Cytomegalovirus antibiotics will be once a day. Yehey!😜 Isn’t that great news! Plus I can eat pudding and jellies, but all plain. And a pinky promise that I should not eat anything else like pasta and anything cooked outside.

My nurse told me that I have to get my package on the 1st floor. So I went to the 1st floor, and I thought it was the book that I ordered, but it was the slippers! Yehey! I really need this. Because at the time I fell down, my nurse told me that my slippers are dangerous and I should change it to something like this. Isn’t this very cute!💕

On my way back, I met Okubo san. She was looking for me. When I was in 10th floor she sometimes checks on me for my condition. It was a long time since I met her again. She was happy to see me looking good.😸 I was surprised that we have the same interest and the same likes. I also learned that she is younger than me. We even talked about our families. More on getting to know about each other talk.  It was a good conversation.💚

I got my IVs for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, and the shot of Prednisone 20mg. I have to be on bed arrest for 2 hours. Then, I also got the injection of anemia, this is to boost the red blood cells to prevent anemia. The injection is small but it was very painful, very painful than anesthesia. 😱 It was so painful that I shouted through the shot. It was my first time to take that kind of painful direct muscle shot. It was a good thing that it was just a one-shot medication.

The lunch for today is 300g rice porridge, redfish, pumpkin with chicken soup, and steamed eggplant soup and tea. I ate the fish and the pumpkin with chicken soup and some rice porridge.😷 My stomach still gets bloated and it hurts after I eat, but I can still tolerate the pain.

Then after my lunch, the person who explains the medicine that I take came in and explained the new medicine for me. It’s allergic reactions that I should be cautious of and it side effects. He handed me the print out of the medicines that I am taking. I was surprised that it took 3 pages.😲 Ahahha!

As my IV was about to end, the post office person who will get the package for my sister came. It was a good thing that my nurse let him come to my space to get the package. And as he processes my package, I was really surprised that the mother of the President of the company I was working for came in to see me, Mrs. Matsumoto!🙀 I was really surprised!

I was ashamed to make her wait to finish the sending of the package. But she was so kind; she even thanked the postman. Then she gave me this fan and super sweet melons (melons here in Japan are very expensive, very lucky me!)😏. This is a handmade fan from a bonfire dance festival in Nagano Prefecture. She said that she really likes attending bonfire dances because she likes to dance. As a matter of fact, today, she will be going to Narra Prefecture for another bonfire dance. She just wanted to see me if I am well. I am so touched.🙇

As I was talking to my sister, Nagatsuji Sensei came in, I was surprised because he was very early for him to show up. He said that he will be doing an ambulance division for 24 hours that is why he came in early. He just came to check on my condition. 😌 I also showed him the melon brought by Mrs. Matsumoto, since my potassium level is high so I have to avoid fruits, but he said I can eat these because it is a waste if it will be thrown away. So he said that I can eat it.😸

Then Inoue Sensei came into check her patient, which is my roommate. After her rounds to her patient, she talked to me. I said I learned from Nagatsuji Sensei that she is the second best form Yamazaki Sensei in speaking in English. I said that she can talk to me in English but I can sense that she is still shy.👼

The afternoon is still young, and people coming to see me. I am so happy to talk to them, I can divert my attention and not feel the pain.😏

Yamazaki Sensei came in with a smile.😼 He explained the reason for my muscle cramps. It is due to electrolytes was not enough in my body because I fasted for so long. Now that I am eating, the electrolytes will be restored and the cramps will be gone. And we talked a lot! Even about life and everything.  I also said that my Indian friend will come here to see me today it would be nice if they can meet. But he has to go when Yamaguchi Sensei came. 😻It has been a while to see her. She was transferred to the ambulance division, and she is so kind to see me even if she is very busy. I think I forced her to come and see me because I asked Nagatsuji Sensei about her, and he said that she was transferred so I have no sister doctor now. 😳

My nurse gave me the shot of Prednisone 20mg before dinner. The dinner for tonight is 300g rice porridge, tofu and egg with soup, vegetable soup, steamed potatoes, canned oranges and tea. As I am eating my dinner, my Indian friend, Pretty, came in! I was so excited!💟 she even brought me cakes. We ate it together. Then I took my medicines 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellcept, and Ririka.

Then Mama Doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei came in. She even asked us how we speak. But me and Pretty speak is English mixed with Japanese. Pretty is very good in English. So Kitabayashi Sensei is very curious what is mixed English and Japanese. We gave her examples and it seems like she understands. But she finds it strange. We said that it is very common for international students to do that, every time that there is no Japanese word that can be translated into English. 

The visiting hours are over, so we went to the family mart. Pretty is a vegetarian so she had a hard time to choose her dinner, it was a good thing that there was a soba left. As me and Pretty talked I saw Asaoka Sensei, my doctor when I as still in the Infectious disease internal medicine (感染症内科). I greeted him, and he said he is also doing a 24-hour shift but not in the ambulance division. He was so kind to talk to me, I even offered him an exchange in a stuffed toy, because I like the spider stuff toy that he was carrying before. He said that maybe next month he will wear that again.🙋

It was like 10:30 pm JST and we are still in the family mart chatting. My nurse even came to fetch me. 😨She said that she is worried because it has been 2 and ½ hours when I left. So it is late, and Pretty has to go. But it was a very good time with her.😍

Trying hard to update my blog, I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 01:14 am JST. I even fell asleep while typing. Ahaha!😪

I thank God for people who came in, I was so happy.🙇

I hope we can all have a good night sleep.💖

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