Monday, August 20, 2018

August 19, 2018 (Sunday)

Good morning! I woke up feeling pain in my lower back up to my shoulders.😷 3 kilos was added to my original weight. And I am still having high blood pressure, and having only 4 hours of sleep.

I was able to make it in time for the live Holy Mass via SNS.🙏

When my nurse made her rounds, I asked to drink Ririka first because it hurt, and she brought it to me.

I had breakfast with Miyage san today. And as craved, I will be eating yakisoba, 😋 as permitted! (This is the yakisoba of the yakisoba bread) So for breakfast, I just had the miso soup, the yakisoba, and yogurt! 🙌Miyage san was amazed on how I can make eating the yakisoba so delicious. 😺It has been a while. I was so happy. I returned to my room to take my medicines; 3 tablets of Predonine3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaRirika, and Plaquenil

I took a bath. My nurse gave me the IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics. I can feel that my stomach is getting bloated, and it seems that the pain is getting worse. 😱I called my nurse and asked for another painkiller. Then I rested, unconsciously I fell asleep. 💤 

I woke up when my nurse checked the IV, it was already over. It was already 12:30 pm JST. Then I went to the canteen to eat my lunch. 😟 I was almost late for lunch. The lunch for today is 300g rice porridge, vegetable soup, boiled pumpkin with chicken, fish, canned oranges, and tea. I almost ate all but the only half of the rice porridge only. I put in an effort to eat! It took me 45 minutes to eat. 😹

Today is Sunday, it is not a busy day, nobody will visit me and I still don’t have a roommate. I felt so lonely that I spent time reading the book I received from Matsumoto san. I decided to go to the canteen to eat dinner, I was preparing and stood a bit, I was very happy when I heard a familiar footstep! It was Nagatsuji Sensei! He looks so fresh and ready for the 24-hour shift. We talked about what he is going to say to Matsumoto san tomorrow since they have an appointment to discuss about me and about my discharge. And he joked that there is a ghost. 😤 He was so corny! 😹😂

I only ate boiled tofu, boiled potatoes, and peaches for dinner. I hope I can eat normal food. It is always tofu for the soft diet. Then I took my medicines: 3 tablets of Predonine3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika, and ferrous sulfate.

I went again to the family to talk to my sister and did my blog.💗

I took sleeping pills #1 and #2 at 11:05 pm JST. Then prayed that everything was alright.🙏

When my nurse came in to check on me, I was eating chocolate,(so this will be on record 😩)  I said I can’t sleep due to my lower back and back pain, I asked for painkiller again. 😷

I hope I can sleep well. Good night for now. 💤

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