Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 12, 2018 (Sunday)

I woke up late today, almost 7:00 am JST because my roommate had a hard time breathing and a doctor came in and brought machines and made some tests. 😔 I’m still having edema, my weight is up to 55.7 kilos. Today’s blood pressure is perfect! 129/89, no high blood pressure and I’m feeling good!!😏

 I attended the Holy Mass at Quaipo Church live via SNS.👼

Breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, miso soup, spinach soup, yogurt, canned peaches, and tea. I drank the soups only and ate the yogurt and peaches. I am feeling bloated still and my lower back is hurting.😷 I took the usual medicines: 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaRirika, and Plaquenil. It is my second day of taking the new medicine for lupus Plaquenil, I am feeling that I will have a bowel movement every time. But I am not yet having diarrhea, if ever I have, I am allergic to the new medicine. But thank God, no diarrhea yet.✌

I took my bath and hurriedly put my laundry. Today is Sunday so no doctors will come. My nurse came in, my IV  spot is hurting and the shot didn’t go in and it hurt, so she has to take out the needle, and make a new IV  spot again. 😰 That spot really worked hard for me for 5 days, I thought it would last up to 7 days. So a new IV spot was created for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, and the shot of Prednisone 20mg.  

This is the after effect of the 5 days IV  spot. 😱The inner spot was the used part, and the other 3 was the missed spot, the previous nurse wasn’t able to get the vein because it was so thin due to my 2 weeks fasting. But on the 4th try she got the needle in. 😚

I forgot the time!😱 I fell asleep and woke up only when the helper delivered lunch. OMG! 😱My laundry was due at 11:10 am JST. So I hurriedly went to the laundry room, and transferred the laundry to the dryer, 1 hour was wasted, 😢. The laundry should be dried by now.

Then I ate lunch. The lunch for today was 300g rice porridge, Chinese cabbage soup, potato in ketchup soup, boiled tofu and egg, and tea. I ate it all except the rice porridge, but I had some. I took me almost 1 hour to eat. After eating, my stomach is so big like I am pregnant and will give birth anytime soon.

I folded my laundry but my pajamas were not completely dried. 😦 So I have to hang it up again.

I went to the garden to do my promised 30-minute walking exercise while talking sister via video call. Though it was summer, the weather was fine and the wind is cool. I had a good sweat. But I got dizzy, and cannot walk for a while; Early this morning I felt it too, but this time it was dizzier💫 and my ears rang. What is this? 😱😰I just stand and leaned on the wall, for quite some time.

Then I went to the family mart and found this out. This is a new product, Houji milk tea (roasted green milk tea). Surprisingly it is very good!💕

Before dinner, my nurse gave me the shot of Prednisone 20mg.  The dinner for today is 300g rice porridge, winter melon and chicken soup, yellowfin in sweet and sour sauce, canned oranges and tea. I ate all except for the rice porridge and the winter melon. I don’t know I just don’t like the feeling of eating the winter melon; it is like between eating radish and apple.🙀 Then I took the evening medicines; 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of Cellcept, and Ririka.

I worked hard again to update my blog. Sorry friends. 🙇

I thank God that everything went well today and nothing happened. I am praying for everyone in the Philippines that is affected by the typhoon and sudden flood.👼 My parents are safe, thank God. Though the electricity was cut temporarily, we still have contact, and that makes me a little relieved.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 11:21 pm JST. I am worried still but I wish to have a good sleep.

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