Thursday, August 09, 2018

August 5, 2018 (Sunday)

Good morning! I overslept today. I woke at 6:00 am JST, back to my original weight, blood pressure 136/94.  Good sign! Less swollen cheeks. 😊Mrs. Izawa wants to open the curtains, but I said it is Sunday today so I have to watch the Holy Mass via SNS. It took 1 hour.💚👼

As the other patients took their breakfast, I was taking my time peeling my medicines.  2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, and Ririka.

I took my bath at 9:00 am JST. After my bath I got my  IV reconnected again. No breaks. I got IVs for nutrition,  fats and oil and Cytomegalovirus antibiotics. 

And after that, I put my clothes in the laundry. This would take 2 hours.  It is a good thing that I have the PICC, it was not hard to fold the laundry.

Later in the afternoon, I can start to feel the stomach, back and shoulder pain, 😣even though I took Ririka, I decided to take the other medicine for pain together with the intestinal medicine. I think Ririka is not effecting on me anymore because I can’t feel the drowsiness anymore unlike before.😧

After the dextrose for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, I got the last run for albumin. I have to rest for this one, so I was just on my bed chatting.

I just knew that I can charge money to the family mart point card I have. All the while I was using my SUICA. I already registered at the site of SUICA, but it seems that cannot update and add my card, what a waste. But in the family mart card, I am earning points and it is very convenient when paying.

The nurses made their rounds. And I got my usual evening medicines, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, Ririka, and a shot of Prednisone 20mg. My nurse also gave me the painkiller with intestine medicine. This is for me not to feel the pain, it is like protection. Ahaha!😛

At 10:00 pm JST, my nutrition has been changed, and the Cytomegalovirus antibiotics were already finished.

I still took the sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 23:51 JST.  Good night and God bless.😪

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