Thursday, August 02, 2018

July 27, 2018 (Friday)

Good morning. I am happy to have 6 hours of sleep today.  And still woke up with edema, my weight is 55.5 kilos, it increased from my original weight. I also have high blood pressure.

I have a blood and urine test today. I hope it works well. 

The breakfast for today is 100g rice, sautéed shrimp & veggies, nori, banana, milk, and tea. But I only ate the shrimp and banana, because my stomach hurts, it feels s like it going to explode when I eat. Also, my back and shoulders hurt.

I took my 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-cholesterol, antibacterial medicine, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, and anti-edema. Today is Friday so another medicine for the protection of the bones.

I took my bath at the usual time. After that, I had my IV for the Cytomegalovirus. Nagatsuji Sensei came in to see me I consulted him about my stomach, he said that it may be because the virus is still there or it is caused by lupus. SLE lupus attacks the lungs and the digestive system as well. So they decided to give me Steroid Pulse 500mg to help ease the swollen intestines. So it will start today until Sunday.

Still having a bloated thing stomach I opted to have wonton soup instead of the hospital lunch: 100g rice, sweet and sour fish, steamed broccoli, string beans salad and tea. I just want soft food today.

After lunch, I made this script. There is a ward nurse that is often times my nurse in charge for the day. She is studying at an English School. So she can speak to me in English, sometimes I correct her or tell her the English equivalent. This is the things that they say whenever they have rounds. She was very pleased to know that I will be giving this to her. And I said that if she has questions she can ask.

I got a visitor today. He was the one who invited me and handled me so I can work here in Japan. Because the last time we talked he wanted to talk to the doctor about my state, but I need to talk to the manager about that because he is not the primary contact here in the hospital. I was surprised that he came; I never confirmed to him that he can go here today. I was ashamed to let me see him in my painful state. I was really in pain today that I cried so much. It was a great timing that Yamaguchi Sensei came in to see me. And she saw me standing and crying. And he explained to him the privacy policies. I said sorry that I haven’t talked to the manager yet. It was a good thing that he left early. I can’t compose myself from the pain. The doctors said that I should skip dinner and let my intestine rest. Yes, I did that, but I still have to drink my medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept.

Every time I drink or go to the toilet, it moves and hurts, even if I burp or fart, my stomach hurts and got bigger and bigger.

I am praying very hard for this pain to go away. Asking for help on what to do, because it hurts so much that the only way to feel better is through standing. They gave a painkiller that has some sedative in it so I can sleep. Luckily I slept because of that and I think I worked well.

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