Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 14, 2018 (Tuesday)

I woke up feeling refreshed and very alive!👸 I have recharged, thanks to the blood transfusion, I slept for 7 hours.👍 My nurse just woke me up for the morning rounds. My weight is 56.7 kilos and a high blood pressure of 149/102.

The breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, miso soup, green vegetable soup, yogurt, banana, and tea. I only drank the miso soup, ate the banana and yogurt. 💛Then the usual medicine; 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaRirika, and Plaquenil.

It was like I was bathing in excitement and in a fast phase. I am excited to eat bread. 😊In fact, I already bought it yesterday! ✌But I have to wait for Nagatsuji Sensei. He said that it is better for me to eat soft bread while he is here because if anything happens he can see me quickly 💖 awww how sweet. And he said YES! 💟 I can eat this bread! Yehey! 😋
Nagatsuji Sensei misunderstood that I ate all the rice porridge last night. 😂But I said that I just only eat 10% of it. I broke his smile.💔 I am very sorry; there is no way for me to eat the 300g rice porridge without seasonings. Aahaha! He also said that the CT scan will be next week Friday to see if my intestines are still swollen, if not I can eat the regular food. Mama Doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, also came in she was just listening to our conversation. It seems like Nagatsuji Sensei is rushing to go.💨 Ahaha! 😒

My nurse gave me my IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, and the shot of Prednisone 20mg.  
I ate the bread slowly, and it was very delicious! 😋It was so fluffy like heaven. It took me almost 1 hour to savor the taste. It was sweet and soft and everything nice! Since I ate it very slowly, there was no pain. 💪

The lunch for today is 300g rice porridge, boiled chicken and egg, taro soup, green vegetable soup, and tea. I only ate some rice porridge and boiled chicken and egg.

I was surprised that a package came in for me.😶 All of my shopped items were already delivered. It was from Matsumoto san. 😭These are the requested items. I thought he will bring these when he comes on the 20th, but he mailed for me. Matsumoto san is so busy these days, that he was having heat stroke also.😿

I was waiting for the blood sugar testing, but I anticipated that it will be stopped from today as per conversation yesterday. When my nurse came in, I told her just what I thought. And she phoned Nagatsuji Sensei and confirmed that it was stopped from today. 😺She congratulated me and my roommate, Mrs. Kitou also congratulated me. 😹This is a good sign! One thing is getting better!🙋
After that, I decided to go to the garden and do the 30-minute promised exercise. But as I went to the family mart first, I saw Nagatsuji Sensei, I waved at him and greeted him. He was about to buy Café late, he said he was not on break or anything, but rather he will be doing his deskwork from here onwards. つらいね~

I went to the garden while walking, I talked to my parents and sister. It was not that hot, and the breeze was good. I sweated a little.💗

Surprisingly, Yamazaki sensei came today and talked to me. He asked about my condition. He said that the water in my stomach, maybe caused also by steroids, because when you take steroids, it is easy to have edema. Then we talked about anything under the sun. he is looking at my blog once in a while. 😌

Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his afternoon rounds. We talked about the 24-hour urine test whether to quit or not, but we agreed to decide after CT scan. I thank him for stopping the blood sugar test. 😊He reminded me that I can eat only when he is here and I should get his permission before buying because it will be a waste if he doesn’t approve. 😧

The dinner for tonight is 300g rice porridge, radish soup, green vegetable soup, boiled yellow finfish, canned oranges, and tea. I only ate the fish, some rice porridge, and the oranges. The fish was great that even though my stomach is bloated, I decided to finish it all.  I took the evening medicine; 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika, and ferrous sulfate. My nurse gave me the shot of Prednisone 20mg

I just spend the night updating my blog and studying. It was a good thing that my muscles didnt hurt that much because I put mint patches.

I am praying still for the flood victims in my hometown. I am thanking God that my family, relatives and friends are safe. I hope that the place will be restored soon.🙏

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 11:18 pm JST.

Good night everybody. Let’s rest.

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