Saturday, August 18, 2018

August 17, 2018 (Friday)

I woke up to go to the toilet at around 1:46 am JST. I urinated a lot. Since it was not yet 2:00 am JST, I can still ask for sleeping pills. So I went to the nurse station and ask for sleeping pill #3.

It was a good thing that I slept for a total of 6 hours after the toilet trip. Maybe also because it was my first time to sleep again in room 1467, and I am alone. 😔 I woke up and measured my weight and to my surprise, it went up to 58.1 kilos. That is 4 kilos addition! 😨I don’t know where it is coming from but very alarming today. 😱My blood pressure was 142/97, it is still high but I’m fine.

Since I cannot still eat the cookies that have given by Ishida family, I decided to give some cookies to Miyage san so that she will be cheered up for her operation. She said thank you and that she cannot eat yet before the operation but she will eat it later. 😇

Since I am alone in the room, starting today I will eat at the canteen. It has been a while to see this sight of people eating breakfast alone at a long table. It feels so lonely. 😒The breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, soup with fish cake, vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, yogurt and tea. I just drank  the soup, had some rice porridge and took the yogurt for later. I took my medicines; 3 tablets of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema,  RirikaPlaquenil and the additional pill for anti-infection.

I was surprised because Nagatsuji Sensei came in very early. He was teasing me that he checked on me because he was thinking that I was so lonely since I am alone in a 4 person room.😠 I said, I was very lonely that I cried until my eyes are swollen, and he believed me, I laughed out very loud, 😜I said it was a joke, and he laughed.😝 Since my weight suddenly went up, he said that I should get a chest X-ray to see if there is water in my lungs. And I will get a shot of Lasix to help me flush out the water. I told him that I have joint pains in my arms and knees. Also when I stand up or suddenly move, I am experiencing  dizziness, sometimes there is a ring in my ear. I also have fever blisters. 😟

Before I took a bath, I met Nagatsuji Sensei at the nurse station by chance; he said that I can eat yakisoba bread. Yehey! 😊Then he said to Kadosawa Sensei to take care of me when my stomach hurt when I eat the yakisoba bread.😹 Kadosawa Sensei was very kind and said yes ahaha! While we are talking about this it seems like we were crazy and the nurses are laughing at us.😝

After my bath, I was surprised that Miyage san gave me this origami. It is very neatly folded, plus it is purple, it is my favorite color. It is said that an origami of 1,000 cranes can grant a wish.🙏

The lunch for today is 300g rice porridge, tofu and eggplant soup, winter melon soup, canned oranges and tea. I just ate the fish, tofu some rice porridge and the canned oranges. I tried hard to eat more porridge, but I was full. There was no pain but I can feel my stomach moving. Maybe if I am not using Ririka, it will hurt. 

Then I decided to go to the garden to get fresh air. But I got typhoon air, I think. 😓The wind is strong, it was a windy day. I ate this milk bread, as permitted, while talking to my parents.💞 Then when I had a runny nose, 😷 I decided to went back in.

Nagatsuji Sensei said that my X-ray result was clear. 🙋 That’s a good thing, I felt relieved.
Upon his consultation to the nutritionist, he said I can eat yakisoba bread not yakisoba bento (packed meal)😰 because of the volume, bento is too many.  I can’t also eat pasta also because the serving is too many, my stomach might hurt if I eat so many that it may come out he said. I said that I will eat the half of it at a later time, but still, he did not approve. 😿 Sweets with cream and custard anything with oil, I still cannot eat it, even 100% milk. He said that he will not be in this Saturday because he will be on 24 hours duty in Sunday, so I should eat well, I can even use furikake so I can eat the rice porridge. He is hoping for us to have a good week end. Then he escaped! The food stuff argument is not yet over Sensei!!! 😤

The dinner is something new! 😻300g rice porridge, tofu burger in tomato sauce, mushroom and cauliflower soup, vegetable soup, canned peaches, and tea. I ate all the tofu burger in tomato sauce and half of the rice porridge and the canned peaches. It was good. Then I took my medicines; 3 tablets of Predonine3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika, and ferrous sulfate.

I prayed and thank everything was okay and I am getting better. I am thanking everyone for all your love, support and prayers. I am praying for you too.🙇

I will be sleeping again alone tonight. I took sleeping pills #1 &#2 at 11:00 pm JST.

Good night. 💤

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