Sunday, August 05, 2018

July 31, 2018 (Tuesday)

Good morning! I slept for 6 hours and I am feeling a little bit fine. Going back to my normal weight is a good thing, but still, I maybe have good blood pressure, 129/102. The over is high but I guess it is okay? Well, at least some things are going in the good side. But I had a loose bowel movement again today, twice.

Since I can’t take food, I bought this 100% apple juice with pulp so I can have both vitamins and sugar in my body. I think I can drink this more than water. Ahaha! Then with this, I took my medicines 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, and anti-edema. I was surprised that in the medicines the painkiller drug that can cause drowsiness was included. I said to the nurse that I will not take it because I can still tolerate the pain.

After my bath, I got my IV for the Cytomegalovirus and the energy dextrose. I got the shot of Prednisone 20mg. Then Nagatsuji Sensei came in, he said that I have to take that painkiller, it is a protection for pain. He doesn’t want me to tolerate the pain. So I did take it. He was so sweet, but I have to fight the drowsiness. Bleh! He said that even though the effect of this painkiller is 24 hours, he will be prescribing it twice a day. Hhhhmmmm… what would happen?

And when I thought of drinking apple juice, Nagatsuji Sensei said that as per the result of the blood test, my potassium level is high already so I have to avoid fruits and fruit juices. WHAT?!!
What a waste, so I have to throw it away, not nearly half consumed. Huhuhu!

After the effect of drowsiness from the steroid shot, I decided to have a change in feeling and went to the garden. 

Today I got lucky because I got a present.  This is a message box. It contains cards and a cute house to hold the messages. Very cute right?! Though the giver did write her message I can feel her warm thanks.

I rested this afternoon because my stomach still hurts just a little thanks to Ririka (painkiller drug that can cause drowsiness). My sugar level was also good 127 since I am not eating anything since last Friday.

I took my evening medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, shot of Prednisone 20mg, and Ririka.

I prayed early. I thank God that today I was feeling better than yesterday. I hope that this will continue.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 10:30 pm JST.

Thank you for your love and prayers.

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