Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 13, 2018 (Monday)

Good Monday morning! 💗 I woke up early today and slept for 5 and a half hours. I measured my weight; it was 56.3 kilos, up by 2 kilos from my original weight meaning there is still water in my body. I am still high blood 149/94.

After the blood and urine test, I went to the family mart and bought milk cocoa.😺

Today’s breakfast is 300g rice porridge, miso soup, vegetable and tuna soup, canned fruit, yogurt, and tea. I only drank the miso soup, ate the canned fruit and yogurt. After my food, I took my usual medicine. Since it is Monday there is an additional pill; 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema,  RirikaPlaquenil and the additional pill for anti-infection. Total of 12 different sizes of medicine. I learned how to drink them all in one go.💪

I took my bath as per usual time. Nagatsuji Sensei came in and I asked him why is that now, I am doing the blood and urine test during Monday? Last week we did it Tuesday and Friday.😕 He was thinking and he can’t remember and, in the middle of our conversation, he suddenly remembered that the reason is, so that we can know if my potassium level is normal then I can eat and drink fruits and fruit juices. Aawww.. How sweet. 😻 Then he said that I have to have an injection for the long-term protection of the bones, Bonviva (this is only once a month). I had it last June, but it was a tablet.  Then my Hemoglobin is really low so I have to have a blood transfusion. And from today, I will start to drink ferrous sulfate to help me with my anemia. So I guess today will be a very busy day.

My nurse for the day came in. She gave me Bonviva via IV (that’s lucky, I didn’t have to get a muscle shot 😏). Then after that, she administered the IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, and the shot of Prednisone 20mg.  

It was lunchtime when the IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics finished. The lunch for today is 300g of rice porridge, boiled white fish, miso soup, chicken and sweet potatoes, and tea. I ate all the viands. That was delicious but my stomach is big and it hurts. I ate too much.😰

After that, the blood has been delivered, but it was still cold. Since it is summer and the weather outside is so hot, me and my nurse decided to place it near the window, and do the blood transfusion a little later.  😹

 And this was delivered! This is the 3rd book of the 3 books that I ordered online. Yehey! 😁

Then at about 2:00 pm JST, we started the blood transfusion. The blood is still cold but I have to do it, because if it would be later I will be having a hard time to sleep. It is because I always feel hyper after the treatment. But I had it in a very slow phase because it will hurt.

I can’t go down and walk, so I just studied bookkeeping. Then Nagatsuji Sensei came in, he was trying to catch my attention by poking me, because I cannot hear him with my earphone on and I’m busy studying.😐 He is asking for my condition since I asked for another pain reliever. I said I am feeling okay now. Then, I asked him if I can eat bread, and he replied if it is very soft, you can eat it, but you cannot eat tonight. I asked, why?! Then he replied, it is because I will be going home, and if something happens to you, I am not here to see you… aaawww.. 😍😻The Doctor is IN!! And straight to the heart! (kung single lang si Doc go na e, kaso hindi; If the Doctor is Still Single the let’s go!, but he is not Single anymore) 😜You can eat tomorrow after I see what will you eat he added. 😹
Then my blood transfusion ended before dinner. Lucky! I can move and eat freely. I also got the shot for Prednisone 20mg.  I can feel it! I am very lively right now!🙆

The dinner is jam-packed:😅 300g rice porridge, boiled chicken egg and vegetables, winter melon and tofu soup, broccoli soup, canned oranges, and tea. I only ate the boiled chicken egg and vegetables, tofu, some rice porridge and canned oranges. I took the evening medicine; 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika and ferrous sulfate.

Since I still haven’t fulfilled my everyday 30-minute walk promise, I decided to go down. And found this Royal Milk tea with cream from Hokkaido. It is very delicious! 😃Then I talked to my sister via SNS. I updated my blog.

I prayed and thanked God that the flood in Marikina (my hometown in the Philippines) has already subsided.🙇

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 11:23 pm JST. I hope I can sleep well because I am still feeling very lively due to the blood transfusion and Prednisone 20mg.🙅

Good night for now.💖

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