Thursday, August 09, 2018

August 6, 2018 (Monday)

Early in the morning and I made a ruckus!🙍

I put my laptop on my bed then went back to bed, but when I was about to go back I fell down. 💥My IV stand too fell down. It was a good thing that I didn’t hurt Mrs. Izawa and my nurse. (They are doing a procedure). It was also a good thing that nothing happened with my PICC. It’s just that I hit my knees and my leg. My nurse came running to help me stand. She was so worried. Another nurse was called. My nurse called a doctor, as we are waiting, they asked me to lie on my bed, measured my blood pressure, temperature and oxygen saturation. Then perform strength checks. Check my legs for hemorrhages or injuries. The doctor came in (a doctor that I don’t know and which division he is) Yoshida Sensei, he checked my knees and legs, he said my right knee is swelling, since I am taking steroids, he advised that I should have X-ray taken to see if there are damages. So until that, I have to stay in my bed. My nurse said that I cannot go anywhere yet except the toilet, because for 24 hours they will be monitoring my body for any changes.  Taking a high amount of steroids can weaken the bone, which is what they are worried about. So for today, going to the family mart or the garden is forbidden. Buuu buuu! 🙅

We have to wait and report this to Nagatsuji Sensei and see what he has to say about the X-ray results. Until Nagatsuji Sensei come, my nurse has to measure my blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation and look at my eyes for monitoring.

Still fasting, but I have to take my usual medicines;  2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaRirikaand the additional medicine for infection. 

I can’t have my 9 am bath, I have to wait for X-ray and Nagatsuji Sensei’s approval. So we just moved the bath appointment at 4:30 pm JST. I got IVs for nutrition,  fats and oil,  Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, and the shot of Prednisone 20mg.
Nagatsuji Sensei came in early to check me because he heard that I fell down. 😭He will be back after their meeting. Then I was called for the X-ray. I have to go to the X-ray room by a wheelchair. It took us 30 minutes to complete the test. They have to take images of both my legs in all angles. It seems that there is no problem. As per consultation with Nagatsuji Sensei, he said that there was no problem with the X-ray results. And I can walk now. It’s just that my left knee is a little swollen and I got a bruise because I hit my two knees on the floor and on the post of the dextrose. But I am okay.

And this was delivered today. This is a reviewer for the Japanese Bookkeeping. I plan to take the level 2 this November. Let’s be serious.

Today, Chika chan (my former roommate) will be discharged. It was very nice of her and her mother to go and say goodbye to me and Mrs. Izawa. Chika chan’s mother gave me the terebi card (which is used here for watching TV, refrigerator, dvd, and laundry) Lucky💖

I took a bath at 4:30 pm JST. Then Nagatsuji sensei came, he saw that my hematoma at my PICC, is getting bigger. So he put again the pillow like gauze. The area is starting to hurt, I think it is tired of all that is entering my body, but I have to bear it until my family of doctors says that the PICC can be taken out.

No dinner but I took my medicines: 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of CellceptRirika, and a shot of Prednisone 20mg.  I got IVs for nutrition changed and Cytomegalovirus antibiotics.

Today, I was feeling better than yesterday, except for the fall. (nahulog pero walang sumalo #hugot?! 😖). I have stomach pains but it was bearable. I thank God and prayed that this will continue and I will be able to eat.

I took the sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11: 20 pm JST.

Good night.

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