Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August 20, 2018 (Monday)

Though having 4 hours of sleep only, I woke up feeling refreshed. 😉I woke up at 6:25 am JST. My weight is 55.7 kilos still having a little bit of edema. My blood pressure is 136/92, quite higher than the normal.

My nurse took my blood and urine sample for the regular laboratory test. 😰

The breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, green vegetable soup, miso soup, canned peaches, yogurt, and tea. I drank miso soup, ate the fruits and yogurt. I ate breakfast today with Miyage san. We talk a lot.  She also gave me her business card so I can contact her. 😊Then Papa doctor, Konishi Sensei, came to the canteen to check me. I said I am doing fine today. And Nagatsuji Sensei also came in, he is like a ghost, he is currently on 24 hours duty.😱 Miyage san is looking happy that I have a good relationship with my doctors. It was almost 9:45 am JST when we finished. I took the usual medicines of 3 tablets of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema,  RirikaPlaquenil and the additional pill for anti-infection.

I took my bath. I didn’t know that Matsumoto san has arrived and waiting for me😢 I made him wait for me for about 15 minutes. I’m sorry. Then we discussed the documents that I have received. My nurse gave me my IV for Cytomegalovirus. So busy😳! Nagatsuji Sensei is doing operation now, so mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, came in to talk to Matsumoto san about my condition. She explained it to him, and they talked about my discharge date. I was surprised to hear that if everything will be smooth, it will take 2 weeks. But according to my condition right now, maybe it will take me more than that. The longest might be 2 months again😱😰😨. It is because my condition is still not stable and they have to diminish the number of medicines that I am taking. Shock!!  Because I know Matsumoto san is so busy, I guess he still has not eaten his breakfast so we went to the1st-floor café and ate. I just ate a soft bread and drank hot royal milk tea. 😇He just had Belgian waffle and iced café late. It was 11:30 when we finished. I wasn’t able to see him off to the elevator because so many bloods came out of my IV.  

I was surprised to see Kitou san at the canteen. 😲She was a former roommate. She has cancer. I had lunch with her. I fed her because she is sleeping while she sitting. It was 1:30 pm when we finished. I don’t want to write my lunch because it is just egg and tofu.

Nagatsuji Sensei made his rounds. Then office personnel came in to make me sign a document for a promise to pay.😹🙀Then, Sensei told me to pay. He was so funny.😛

While eating this bread, I talked to my family. We have visitors in our house in the Philippines because it is the 3rd year death anniversary of my grandfather. My relatives came, and I was happy to talk to them.💕💖

Later in the afternoon, Yamazaki Sensei came in! I was surprised. I noticed that he cut his hair, he said he attend a ceremony for doctors so he had to cut his hair. He was looking so fresh, though he is very busy. I was thankful he found my new room. 😊

The dinner for tonight is 300g rice porridge, boiled white fish, steamed sweet potatoes, vegetable soup, canned oranges, and tea. I almost ate it all except the vegetables in the soup and half of the porridge. Then I took my medicines: 3 tablets of Predonine3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika, and ferrous sulfate.

Then, I was surprised when I saw a message from Okuda san,🙆 my Japanese colleague, that she will be visiting me today. It was just coincidentally she had to service a kid that is living near here the area. And I was very happy that she thought about me.💝💝

I went to the family mart to write my blog while talking to my sister.😑

I am thanking God that good things are happening. So many people are caring and loving me. Giving me their time.🙇🙏💘💕

I took sleeping pill #1 & #2 at 11:45 pm JST. A very good night.

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