Friday, August 03, 2018

July 29, 2018 (Sunday)

One gloomy morning, because there is a typhoon here. I woke up with the sound of the winds gusting to the windows.

My weight is increasing, meaning water is stuck in my body still and increasing. I’m still having high blood pressure, 139/110. But I think this will be a great day because it is Sunday. I attended the Holy Mass via SNS. No breakfast but still taking medicines, my stomach hurts every time I have intakes.  2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 3 kinds of blood pressure medicines, intestinal medicine, and anti-edema. 

Even though I have stomach aches, I still managed to take a bath. Maybe you are wondering how I am taking a bath though my IV is attached 24 hours. No, it isn’t, patients allowed to make it stop if to take a bath, then patients will have gloves to protect the spot. Then patients can go for a shower and hot bath. 

Even though it is Sunday, IVs never stops. I got my nutrition and Steroid Pulse 500mg. At about noon, my stomach really hurts and I have to have painkillers via IV.

Then I did my laundry. I did siesta a little and forgot about my laundry when I checked it, it was finished. But the dryer didn’t work hard for me because some of my other clothes were not dried thoroughly. So I hung it in my curtain. I was surprised because Nagatsuji Sensei came to check on me. He said he will be doing 24 hours shift today and came in to check. I was ashamed because my room was messy.

I took my evening medicines, 3 capsules of Prograf, 2 capsules of Cellcept and a strong painkiller. Because of the new painkiller, I feel very drowsy and I had the chance to sleep early.

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