Friday, August 24, 2018

August 22, 2018 (Wednesday)

I woke up still having edema, having a weight of 56.8 kilos and blood pressure of 137/99, even though I slept for 6 hours, I’m still feeling tired.😷

The first solid breakfast!😀 100g rice, spinach and chicken soup, nori, milk, orange, and tea. I am feeling excited about this and ate the rice, nori, and the soup. I will have the orange and milk later. And for dessert; 3 tablets of Predonine, 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema,  RirikaPlaquenil and the additional pill for anti-infection. 😩

I took my bath, still at the same time 9:00 am JST. Nagatsuji Sensei came in for his rounds. I said I’m feeling good! And he was happy to know that I was able to eat well since yesterday.💪 Except that I am still having muscle pains, well I told him that I am used to this, and it will be gone for 2 or 3 days. Then I had my IV for Cytomegalovirus

 I got this delivered today! 😽The groceries I ordered online. Since I cannot go outside the hospital,  I will let it come to me. 😺It is very convenient here. These are just cookies, candies and the drink that I like. What they are selling in the family mart are almost the same and sometimes the price is high. So I ordered different items online. Yehey!🙌

The lunch for today is 100g rice, yellow curry, tuna and lettuce salad, grapes, and tea. I only ate the meat of the curry and some of its potato, and the tuna salad. I saved the grapes as snacks for later.😸
Then I finished my lunch and came back to my room, but I started feeling nauseous.😵I wanted to vomit. Then my stomach and back is hurting, I tried to rest a little but I vomited. I felt I was having UTI. I asked my nurse for anti-vomiting medicine and the special pain killer. So I got a shot of it. I slept a little.  But when I woke up and went to the toilet I really vomited a lot. So I called in the nurse. They said they will call in Nagatsuji Sensei. Then he came and did some physical examination. I cried as he press my back. 😓He decided to have a cultured urine examination. Then he prescribed antibiotics.  He said that I will be taking the antibiotics for 5 days, but I should not take the special painkiller because it was said that it was not a good combination. I was feeling sorry because Nagatsuji Sensei has to stay longer than his usual time, he had to go home late because of me. But I felt assured that he was there.😭

I skipped dinner but I still have to take my medicine; 3 tablets of Predonine3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika,  ferrous sulfate and the antibiotic for UTI. I fell asleep without even taking the sleeping pills.😴

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