Sunday, August 12, 2018

August 11, 2018 (Saturday)

I woke up really early as 4:12 am JST, and I only slept for almost 4 hours.😢  My weight is 55.5 kilos, so it is up by 1 kilo from my original weight. I have high blood pressure, 148/114. 

I woke up having back and shoulder pain, and lower abdomen pain, so I asked my nurse if I can drink Ririka first. Then I was able to sleep again unknowingly. That is how painful it was. 😖I was only woken up when my nurse came in to get my stats at around 7:00 am JST. I can still feel the pain and asked for another painkiller. Hoping the pain will be gone.😟

My breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, cauliflower soup, cabbage soup, egg soup, yogurt, and tea. I drank the soup and ate the egg and some rice porridge. I can still feel the bloating of my stomach so I stopped eating.😞 I took the usual medicines 3 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edemaRirika and the new medicine for lupus Plaquenil.

I took my bath at the usual time.  Nagatsuji Sensei came in looking tired from his 24-hour shift 😥but it is a good thing that it will be a day off for him. He said that the treatment for the Cytomegalovirus will be the same for the weekend, antibiotics once a day. And he also said that I can drink up to 1,500ml of liquid per day. Then it depends on the laboratory results if the anti-edema can be stopped. I also said to him that Pretty came to visit me yesterday and she brought me some cake, 😹and I said to him that we ate, but I only ate the upper part, most of the chocolate part only. He just laughed and said, you ate it already, so it’s okay. Ahaha! 😁But the cake was really good.

I got my IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics, and the shot of Prednisone 20mg. So I have to stay still on my bed. And in time for lunch, my IV was over. My lunch for today 300g rice porridge, miso flavored tofu and chicken, spinach soup, miso soup, canned oranges and tea. The spinach soup was devastating.😬 So I only drank the miso soup, ate the chicken part of the tofu, and some rice porridge, but I ate all the oranges.

As I was eating, Mama Doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei, came in and checked on me. She saw that I was taking rest in between meals. And I showed her my tummy, it was hard and bloated. Huhuhu!😰 She said that don’t force myself to eat more than I could take. But how can I? I am taking Prednisone so I will be feeling craving and hunger. What to do?

I updated my blog as I was waiting for the blood sugar test. My blood sugar level was ok, 116. I went to the garden to do the everyday promised 30 minutes walking exercise. 💪After that, I talked to my parents and sister.👪When I came back to the ward, my nurse said to me that I took so long and that she is worried. I should have told her in advance that the I will be calling my family and it will take long.

So I decided to edit my card. I put on a card telling my assigned where I went, so that they will not worry. So this card is telling them that “I will be on the 5th floor garden to walk and talk to my family”.☺

I studied bookkeeping for the rest of the afternoon, but when I write there are still muscle cramps, so I have to rest in between.

The dinner for today is 300g rice porridge, taro root soup, Japanese mustard soup, steamed fish, canned peaches and tea. I ate all the fish and drank only the soup of the vegetables. (I cannot eat the vegetables in that state, it was so soft 😔). I took my medicines 3 capsules of Prograf and 3 capsules of CellceptRirika,  and the shot of Prednisone 20mg.

I did my blog the rest of the evening and found out some editing tools so I took the liberty to upgrade my blog. I was even lucky to find the Google translate. 😁Now, Nagatsuji Sensei can peak in without whining.😎

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 12:28 am JST, after praying in silence.🙏

Good night for now.

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