Wednesday, August 08, 2018

August 4, 2018 (Saturday)

Good morning! Sorry for the bed hair. I have good news. My weight is down to 53.8 kilos and I slept for 6 hours. But my blood pressure is high 146/99. Well, I think this will be my normal when I wake up 😂 I am used to this. I got my blood and urine samples taken out for laboratory test today. I don’t know why, but the timing is not the usual Monday and Thursday regular tests.

Still under fasting but need to drink medicine; recently I can feel burning sensation in my stomach when I drink medicines. Maybe because I haven’t eaten anything then many medicines came in my stomach.  2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, and Ririka.

I took my bath at the usual time. Today is Saturday and the doctors are on half day (? Well some of them works really well no half day) Still Nagatsuji Sensei came in. he checked my PICC. The hemorrhage is still getting bigger. I complained to him that it is started to get hurt, but I will work hard so that PICC will last for some time. He said that some patients can use it for a month. So let’s work hard! 💪 I got my IVs for nutrition, fats and oil. and Cytomegalovirus antibiotics. I also got the shot of Prednisone 20mg

Today is not a busy day, so even having the IVs I decided to go to the garden to exercise. This is a promise right?! Everyday exercise promise. But of course, it will be cut short since the regulator battery is short. I have to go to the family mart to recharge. Then I went to the 1st-floor café to look only at the items that are being sold. Thinking what I would eat first if ever I got the permission to eat, planning for the future. 😋

And on my way back I met Kadosawa Sensei, he is already going home. He said that he will attend a wedding ceremony of his friend. And since he knows the word Gwapo (Filipino word forカッコイイ, handsome) I said to him “Be Gwapo and show me the pictures”, he said okay. He was very funny. Then we parted ways.

It’s charging time at family mart while talking to my sister, then my parents. And when we were done with our conversation, I decided to go back to my room. It was a rare chance that I met Nakaya Sensei. He was the one that Nagatsuji Sensei called when he cannot insert the  PICC anymore. Nagatsuji Sensei tried 3 times, I said he can still try up to 10 times, but he stopped at 3 and phoned in a friend, Nakaya Sensei. I was quite sure that he is Nakaya Sensei, but I still asked politely and if he is Nakaya Sensei and he said yes, and I greeted and thanked him, and he remembered me, (whew! If not it will be a strange encounter😕) he was shy and he was like ready to go and run any time. So I just said my thanks and regards, then said goodbye. Nagatsuji sensei said that Nakaya Sensei can speak English and he told him that he can visit me in my room then speak English with me.😁

I spent the rest of the afternoon receiving the albumin, it makes me sleepy. This is the 2/3 run of it. So while updating my blog, I am groggy. So sorry if there were wrong grammar or anything, but I trust my sister’s editing skills 😂

I took my evening medicines, 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, a shot of Prednisone 20mg, and Ririka.

My stomach, back, and shoulders are starting to feel pain, but I am really sleepy to feel it. so I prayed early.😪 

Then got my IVs for nutrition changed and received my Cytomegalovirus antibiotics. I fell asleep, I just was woken up when my nurse took out the empty bottle of the antibiotic. And she arranged my foot; she thought that my foot will fell. But it was just the way I sleep; I want my foot to be off the bed a little.

I still took the sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 23:51 JST.

A very good night my friends.  💕

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