Friday, August 10, 2018

August 7, 2018 (Tuesday)

Good morning!  I slept for 5 hours, having edema my weight is up to  56.5 kilos, but having a quite so good blood pressure of 124/95. Today I got my blood and urine sample taken out for laboratory exams.

Without having breakfast I still took my medicines: 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, and Ririka.  I can feel pain in my stomach. Maybe because I haven’t eaten anything for almost 2 weeks.

I took my bath as per usual time. I got IVs for nutrition,  fats and oil,  Cytomegalovirus antibiotics and a shot of Prednisone 20mg.  Nagatsuji Sensei came to take out my pillow-like gauze in my PICC area, but the brown tape was so strong that one part of my skin was taken out! It really hurts. 🙀 He said that he will use the band-aid that he stole from the hospital and put it on me.😦He saw, as per markings, that the hematoma is really getting bigger. So he said that he wants to consult my family of doctors because he wants me to have a CT scan today. He wants to know if my intestines are still swelling and if there is still water, if there is none, my PICC will be taken out and I can eat! 😏so he said he will be back after the discussion. Well, the CT scan was originally planned this Friday but Mama doctor, Kitabayashi Sensei said that it can be Wednesday, but since my arm is not in good shape, the CT scan maybe today! 💃

While waiting, this was delivered yehey!😁 2 out of the 3 bookkeeping books I ordered online.  And Nagatsuji Sensei came back and said that I can have the CT scan today. I was so happy! Because we can see if I can eat or not today! Well, not only that of course but also we can see if my condition has already improved. But I can feel it!!! I am feeling better than ever~~ so I was happily walking to the 

CT scan room together with the heavy dextrose. It was a good thing that I brought the cable of the regulator because I waited for some time. My turn came, since I was sitting on the floor near the outlet, the nurses came to me and helped me stand, they were 3, it was very hard for me to stand. They were so gentle in assisting me. So I took the test and will be waiting for the result.

It was before noon I was in my room, staring blankly at the doorway. When a familiar figure came, he was holding a plastic and sterilization materials. (Very dramatic) A! It was Nagatsuji Sensei! And I know the results I greeted him with a very big smile.😊💝 He came to take out my PICC, meaning the result was good.🙆 He said that the swelling really improved. It is still swelling and some water is still there but compares to the results before, it really improved. So if there is still swelling, I still have to be careful. So at lunchtime, I can eat! Well for starters, very soft rice porridge he said (おかゆ).😁

🚩🚩🚩***Warning not so nice picture***🚩🚩🚩

So this is it, the after effect of the PICC. See the hematoma is really big. That is the marking, it looks like Mickey Mouse. Ahaha! 😂So, because the PICC was taken out, I will have the regular IVs.

After resting for some time, I went to the garden to walk while talking to my parents. The breeze was fine it was not too hot. I got a good walk. But of course, I sweated. As expected, it is Summer~~! 😂Then I returned to my room, I took out my ponytail and I found this, should I get a perm? 👧2 months here and my hair grew, a lot!

So dinner is served! The diet is for people with intestinal problems, so it is a soft diet. 300g rice porridge, macaroni soup, steamed tofu, steam pumpkin, canned peaches. Looking delicious! I ate the macaroni soup and tofu~ 💖I was so excited, but eating half of it, suddenly I can feel that my stomach is bloating. So I decided to take it really slow and chewing it really well. I tried the rice porridge, but I think it is very heavy for me right now. In the end, I ate 40% of the whole meal. Not bad, but my stomach hurts.

I was surprised that Nagatsuji Sensei came to check on me even if it was late. 😌He said that I should not force myself to eat. But he wants me to promise to him that I should not go to the family mart and eat pasta, chicken, onigiri and the like because my stomach could hurt. I promised but I bargained. I asked him if I could eat candies, chocolates, yogurts, and he said yes, but ice cream could make my stomach cold so it is not allowed, sweets are also not allowed. The food should be soft and can be melted in the mouth. Juices are also allowed. So after the bargaining, we made an agreement and made a pinky promise.

Then I took my medicines:3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of Cellcept, and Ririka. The shot of Prednisone 20mg and the IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics were administered.

So I took it slow, working hard on updating my blog.

I prayed and thank God for the good results today. I hope this will continue and my condition will be better.🙏

I took the sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11: 00 pm JST.

Good night friends! Thank you for your love.💞

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