Saturday, August 11, 2018

August 9, 2018 (Thursday)

Good morning!💓 Though it was short, I slept well. But my weight is up to 56.2 kilos so that means there is still water stuck in my body. Still high blood, 154/100. But I am feeling fine. I wore a bandage on my arm last night and when I woke up. My right arm is swollen. My nurse said that I should put it up for a while, so I stayed in bed and did as she said.

The breakfast for today is 300g rice porridge, cauliflower soup, spinach and chicken soup, miso soup, yogurt, and tea. I only ate 30% of the set, my stomach became bloated.  Then I took my medicines: 2 capsules of Cellcept, anti-osteoporosis, 2 kinds of blood pressure medicines, medicine for uric acid, intestinal medicine, anti-edema, and Ririka.

After my bath, I got my Cytomegalovirus antibiotics and a shot of Prednisone 20mg. Nagatsuji Sensei came but we didn’t have the time to talk because he was called, his patient was delivered by an ambulance. But he said that I have to bandage my arm to help not to make the hematoma bigger. Then I returned the 2 pieces of band-aid he stole from the hospital. Ahaha!😝 He teased me and thinks my other bruises on my legs were from the time I fell.😤

Lunch is fully packed, 300g rice porridge, miso soup, macaroni soup in tomato sauce, half boiled fish, fruits yogurt, and tea. Still feeling pain, I quite ate better than breakfast.  As you can see it seems like I am pregnant and soon a baby will be born!👼Ahaha! It is really bloated. Maybe I know what is the feeling of a pregnant woman.👰👶

While waiting for the 2:00 pm JST routine blood sugar, I am working hard to do my blog. I’m sorry I am very late, my friends. My sugar was good, 110 only.👍

Then I decided to go to the garden to do every day promised to exercise. But I was surprised to meet Nagatsuji Sensei in the elevator. We are both surprised because I will go down and he will go up. 😅He said that the result of the virus count was out and if he is not mistaken it is zero; zero, meaning there is no virus! A good sign!👌 Then as I walked to the garden I was talking to my parents.
I went back to my room and started studying bookkeeping; I got cramps in my both hands, it happened many times, so I decided to stop.💢

 Dinner time, 300g rice porridge, steamed tofu, radish soup, steamed potato, canned oranges and tea.  I was surprised that Nagatsuji Sensei came; he said he was sorry he was late. I thought he will not come. He said that the virus was gone, 👏and the swelling is caused by the Lupus. So my family of doctors had a conclusion of adding medicine. The Cellcept will be increased from 4 capsules to 6 capsules. Then we will be using plaquenil, another treatment for Lupus. The once a week protection for the bones medicine will be administered again. The Cytomegalovirus  antibiotics from twice a day will be once a day. He also said that I will be having a shot for the Hemoglobin, because my Hemoglobin is getting low and if it didn’t go up, I might need to have a blood transfusion. We talked for so long discussing these. I said to him that it is okay, if it is the way to treat my condition. So, as per this conversation, it seems that I will not be discharged anytime soon.👤

I just ate 40% of the dinner, because of the long talk and my bloated stomach. I took the same medicines; 3 capsules of Prograf and 2 capsules of CellceptRirika, and a shot of Prednisone 20mg.  I got IV for Cytomegalovirus antibiotics.

After the IV, I went to the family mart. As I talk to my sister and discussed how I can send the package to her, I am eating this yogurt. I have the permission to eat this. Then I went back to my room.

I took sleeping pills #1 & #2 at 11:45 pm JST. Then I prayed that the bloating will go away because I will have a hard time sleeping.

Hoping for a good night sleep. Good night every one!😇

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